5 How to’s!

1.) How to prepare an M audio track in garageband

  1. Retrieve your M-audio track device
  2. Plug in your M-audio track into your Mac computer, assuring the USB port is connected and the power cord is also attached (if the M-audio track requires a separate cord for power).
  3. Pull up Garageband, and select empty project
  4. Select a new track by selecting the + button.
  5. Once you have selected the + button, a window with 4 different icons will pop up, under Audio, you WILL select the microphone icon à but FIRST, do the following:
  6. Click the arrow that is to the right of “My instrument is connected with”…
  7. Under “Input device” select the M-Audio option.
  8. Then, in order to hear sound from the computer speakers be sure the Output device says “Built-in Output”
  9. Now plug in your microphone into the proper plug on the your M-audio device.
  10. Speak into your microphone and you should see green sound-waves on your selected Garageband track, as well as on the M-audio device.
  11. You’re all set! You can now record sound through Garageband by pressing record and then making sound into your microphone through the M-audio device, yahoo!!

2.) How to embed a SoundCloud link into a WordPress post

  1. Once you have found a track you would like to share on your WordPress.com blog, you can do one of two things…
  2. First, you can copy the URL in your browser and paste it onto your WordPress.com post…
  3. Or, you can click on the “Share” icon above the track
  4. Once you have clicked the share icon, select the WordPress.com option
  5. Then, grab the short-code, by highlighting it, right click, and copy and then post that to your clipboard.
  6. Or, if it’s a self-hosted WordPress: Grab the regular short-code (by clicking the Share button and then highlighting the text underneath the title “Grab the code”
  7. Now that you have the short-code, head to your WordPress post and paste in the link where you want your SoundCloud player to appear!
  8. And… VIOLLA! You have your SoundCloud track embedded into your WordPress post!

3.) How to play a C major scale on a midi pad

  1. Plug in your midi pad to your Mac computer. (USB port)
  2. If Garageband doesn’t automatically pop up, open up the application: Garageband.
  3. Click on the empty project icon, starting up a new project.
  4. One track should already be selected, so now change that track to any of the piano selections (if not already selected).
  5. Now, once you have the piano selected as your instrument, press the “scheme 2” button on your midi pad. This is where we will begin our scale.
  6. Press the following buttons in this order: 1, 3, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12
  7. Then select “scheme 3” and hit number one, completing your scale.
  8. If you would like you can go back down, by following the last two steps in the opposite order.
  9. Viola! You have played a C major scale on your midi pad!

4.) How to make a song fade in or out using GarageBand

  1. Open up your existing track in GarageBand that you would like to fade
  2. Once you have your track selected, click on the metronome icon (turning it off)
  3. Then, click on the clock icon (to the left of the timer), and select Time
  4. Now, select the icon that looks like a line with two dots connecting the lines; (if you put your mouse on this icon and wait a second, it will say Show/Hide Automation)
  5. Once you have clicked that icon, a box titled “Volume” will drop down underneath the track
  6. Click anywhere underneath the track (where the soundwaves are visible) and a yellow line will appear with a yellow dot on it.
  7. Click on the line where you want the fade to begin
  8. Then click again, in a different area where you want your fade to end
  9. Drag the dot down (up: louder, and down: softer)
  10. Depending on how close or far apart the dots are, will determine how fast or slow your fade out/in will occur
  11. You now have a fade!
  12. Determine what you think sounds best and what you want your fade to sound like, by adjusting the dots further apart, closer together, up, down, etc.
  13. Happy fading!

5.) How to detach audio from a YouTube video using iMovie

  1. Go to YouTube, and find the video you want to edit.
  2. Once you have found the video, copy the URL in your browser
  3. Then, open up a new window and go savemedia.com
  4. In the space provided, paste the URL and click Download by URL
  5. Below the space, a number of options will pop up underneath the title “Download video (choose format)”
  6. Select, Save as high quality – MP4
  7. Once the video finishes downloading, it will then appear in your Downloads folder of your computer
  8. Now that your video is in Downloads folder, open up iMovie
  9. Go to File, Import, and select Movies
  10. Then open up your Downloads folder and select your video
  11. And click Import
  12. Once you have your YouTube video imported into iMovie, we can begin detaching the audio..
  13. Start by selecting the entire clip
  14. Then, grab it, and drag and drop into your time line
  15. Right click on your selected clip, and select detach audio
  16. This will completely separate the audio from the video.
  17. Yep, it’s that simple!

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